Sunday, July 24, 2011

Baja Bird Watch

Do you like birds?  Me too!!  In fact I had a delicious chicken salad at the Roadrunner yesterday. However today's post is about birds that haven't been invited to dinner. I'm not actually a bird watcher but I can  identify most of the birds I see around los Barriles and Buena Vista.  When I'm stumped, I call Steve Chism or Robert Emery for help. Steve gave bird watching tours in a past life and Robert is curious about anything he sees and has studied birds a bit also.

Why am I telling you all this?  Hey, this is a small town.  You have to find entertainment where you can!!

My friend Brigitte sent me these photos of a mama Horned Owl and her 2 owlets. She has a nest in a little arroyo and returns every year. Not Brigitte, the owl. Brigitte walks early in the morning and is treated to sights like these frequently.

The next photo was taken just below our house. This is a Harris Hawk. They are particularly interesting because they hunt in packs.  You won't see them as frequently as other large birds in the area such as Ospreys, Cara Cara or Buzzards but they are around.

Click here for a good Baja Bird site.
